Keller Orchestra Boosters
Our Mission
Create awareness, interest, and encourage
the Orchestra program's growth at
Bear Creek Intermediate School, Keller Middle School,
and Keller High School in Keller, TX.
We provide support for orchestra programs including
musical ensembles, chamber groups, and student soloists.
The Booster Association achieves its mission by offering
multiple student scholarships for graduating seniors,
music tutoring, instruments, and program fees for students.
We also provide volunteer support at various orchestra events.
Through the combined efforts of the Orchestra Booster,
students, parents, families, orchestra director,
BCI, KMS, KHS, and the local community,
the Keller Orchestra Boosters facilitates a
broader environment of music appreciation, and
ultimately increases the opportunities for the orchestra students.
Keller Orchestra Booster Association is a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization.
All donations are tax deductible.